In a recent research conducted by Sino-European Transcontinental Basic and Clinical High-Tech Acupuncture research group. Wow the name itself sounds very Jedi. the researchers used ultra-low-level violet laser stimulation of acupuncture point Du-20 (Baihui) and discovered that it has a direct effect on the subjects heart rate. A 405nm wavelength laser beam at an output power of 1mW (continuous mode) was directed at Du-20 (Baihui, GV-20) of the laboratory subjects. The resulting effect was immediate and functioned like an on/off switch. With immediate reduction of the heart rate.
Given the controlled predictability of laser acupuncture stimulation on bodily function, the researchers from the Medical University of Graz, Austria and the Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences conclude that low-level laser acupuncture can be used in clinical studies.
Here is where Bai Hui (one hundred meeting point) is located on the cranium, in case anyone wants to zap themselves with a laser (not advised)
Given the controlled predictability of laser acupuncture stimulation on bodily function, the researchers from the Medical University of Graz, Austria and the Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences conclude that low-level laser acupuncture can be used in clinical studies.
Here is where Bai Hui (one hundred meeting point) is located on the cranium, in case anyone wants to zap themselves with a laser (not advised)
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